Leia a carta de Louçã que mobilizou os 74 estrangeiros

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Francisco Louçã pede a saída da política atual

“Apelo por Portugal”, chamou Louçã à carta que enviou a colegas universitários nos Estados Unidos e Inglaterra a pedir que recolhessem assinaturas “entre colegas e amigos” para o manifesto pela reestruturação da dívida.

O Expresso mostra-lha a carta. “Fiz o que tinha a fazer”, afirma Francisco Louçã, “sempre em coordenação com João Cravinho”, o “pai” da ideia.

A carta de Francisco Louçã (em inglês)

- Publicidade -

Dear colleagues,

You are certainly aware of the discussions among economists in the countries under the troika programs. In the case of Portugal, a new fact changed the context of the national debate on austerity: 74 economists, including an impressive number of ex-finance ministers of previous left and right wing governments, made a call for restructuring of the debt and challenging austeriry. I signed it and so did Mariana Mortagua – an excellent Member of Parliament whom I expect not to give up the PhD with you – and all those supporting a new strategy for employment and growth.

This is very important, since in a couple of weeks a decision will be made on what will happen after the end of the troika program (may 17th). This call for the restructuring of the debt and a new policy generated a new perspective: the IMF, the European Commission and of course the Government made public statements against our call.

An european perspective would be most welcome on this. I attach a small text in this sense. It would be most helpful if some renamed economists could stand for this.

Could you sign it? Would you help diffusing the text for signatures among colleagues and friends?

All the best



- Publicidade -

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